Category Archives: Porter Squiggle

Birthday Bash

My birthday is on September 2nd and that tends to fall right around Labor Day. We’ve gotten in the habit of celebrating my birthday weekend in Capitola with my parents, and this year was better than the rest because Porter was here to share it with us. I also want to add that 3 of my friends had their babies on my birthday this year and another just 2 days later. They don’t call it labor day for nothin’! Congratulations to all my new mommy friends, I’m so glad to have you on this side of motherhood, finally. The more the merrier!

This visit was great because Porter is crawling around and charming as ever. Even though the weather in Capitola was foggy most of the time, us desert dwellers were more than happy to enjoy the cool damp air. My brother Steve and his boyfriend Kumar were visiting too. They’re from LA and were also glad recipients of Capitola’s cool summer climate. We were also joined for a day by Porter’s Granny Alton and aunt Anna, my mom’s friend Ginny, neighbor Gwyn and our friends Liam, Cera and their kids. Porter got lots of attention by the neighbors too and was fantastic about everyone and everything. He even started to climb stairs by the last day!

A special moment for Luke and I was when we took Porter up to the place where we first met, UC Santa Cruz at Porter College. It was so nice to see how things have changed there in the last 10 years and to share with Porter our old stomping grounds. The best part is that Porter was absolutely giddy and excited the whole time we were there. He filled the quad with laughter and squeals of delight for no apparent reason. It was awesome. All of it made for a busy weekend, but a wonderful visit and a very happy birthday.

Before we left town Porter got to watch hot air balloons fly through the sky during the Spirit of Boise.

One landed right at the end of our street!

Surf was up at the Capitola beach. We watched surfers all weekend long.

Playing with Ginny and Granny Alton

A very surreal moment when Porter met my old doll, and BFF, Big Baby. I think he felt it necessary to proclaim his authority as the new big baby in town.

Practicing standing and walking skills with Gramma Mikie.

Double bonus, we borrowed some toys from neighbor Mara, which Porter clearly LOVED! Then Raiden and Sephora came over to play which made his day. Porter loves other kids.

Offering Porter to the Porter College Squiggle gods in Lion King fashion.