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Parenting A Newborn, Whoa

It's impossible to spoil newborns with enough cuddles.
It’s impossible to spoil newborns with enough cuddles.

So no one actually said being a parent is a walk in the park. In fact, most people have told me it’s the hardest job in the world. But nothing can prepare you for having a child. Nothing. I recently got an email from an old friend (thank you very much Facebook) who had a baby less than two months ago. She wrote to ask me advice and I thought I’d share her letter. Names have been changed.

Although I am loving being a mom it’s a lot more different than I thought. I thought I’d throw baby over my shoulder and hit the roads…b-boping around town. Boy, was I wrong! I am lucky if I can brush my teeth, eat and shower by 3pm. I don’t know if its me not being efficient or if the baby is really eating all my time.
Baby is 7 weeks now and has been a good baby until about 2 weeks ago where baby now cries/screams uncontrollably. I guess this is colic. It’s bad and stressful for myself, husband and baby. Do you have any insight on this? Is it baby is in pain, or just a crying baby for no reason?

Sigh…new motherhood. Let me say, first, that I’m actually really glad that I’ll never be first time mom again. At least to a newborn. I remember waking up at every mew and sound Porter made, just to check his breathing. I’m still attached to the freakin’ baby monitor when he sleeps, and he’ll be two next week. While I’m not a doctor or therapist, I wanted to answer my friend’s questions openly as another parent and to offer my own suggestions. Surely, if you’re a parent too, you might have some helpful ideas for my friend. Please feel free  leave them in the comments below.

In terms of time management. With a newborn,  I think you’re doing great if you get teeth, shower AND food in by 3pm. It’s not a proud moment for me to admit, but there were days when I wasn’t sure when I had last washed my hair. And for the first two months I LIVED on the lactation cookies that my friend Chelsea baked me. Luke even took up baking in those early days. Newborns are definitely pro’s at making the most simple task infinitely harder. This passes in time as your baby gets older and more manageable. Eventually they can even be helpful. But for now, do your best and don’t feel bad if it takes awhile before there’s any b-bopping going on. Other than the b-bopping to put baby to sleep that is.

To address the colic. I obviously can’t say if your baby has colic or not, but I can say that it was perfectly normal for my baby to go through attitude changes (he still does). For a small baby, less than 4 months I would highly recommend The Happiest Baby On The Block, book or DVD. It is geared mostly for sleeping and worked like a charm for us. When Porter was awake, and didn’t want to be on his tummy or on the blanket (which looked a lot like crying and screaming uncontrollably) I would put him in a carrier. I preferred a sling or the Moby wrap (see image above). Sometimes he would hang in there for a long time, and other times he only wanted to be cuddled briefly. If that didn’t work then I tried feeding him. I breastfed him so it was really easy to whip out the food. I don’t know how it is with formula and overfeeding (ask your nurse/doctor, don’t be afraid to call and ask for help, it’s why they exist), but in my worst case scenario there was spit up. Then again, spit up was also my best case scenario.

There are two more pieces of advice that I have for new parents. The first was a serious lifesaver for me. First, find a Baby and Me group in your area. I did a post on it here that you can read about. They are often offered through hospitals and birth centers and are specifically for brand new parents. There’s always La Leche League too. Don’t be embarrassed. At the group I attended the only requirement was that you show up before it was over. It’s okay to be late, wearing pajamas, without makeup and in tears. Find a group and just make it there, it will sooth your tired soul.

The second bit is advice that I got from going to Baby and Me, and that is for the first 3-4 months all you have to do is survive. There were days where I watched a lot of television while holding Porter in my arms, trying to get to a relaxed place. Then I would think about the first week we were home alone with him and realize that in a month we’ve already come so far. Just make it through this time and I promise life will become easier. Baby will start to hold their head up, smiling and laughing become regular, night-time sleeping starts lasting longer, the newness of it all wears off. Just do what you have to do to make it through. Rely on your partner (and family/friends if they’re around) in this time. Hopefully you made some sort of commitment to get through the hard times together, and for most, a new baby constitutes a hard time. If you can just make it through I promise you will be moving onto new milestones and parental worries. Just survive, and try to laugh a little too.

Eventually, quite quickly actually, they grow far beyond the newborn stage and turn into toddlers, with minds of their own. Or at least so they think. My toddler and I had a lovely day playing outside in the absolutely freezing temperatures and then took a trip to the library. He did say “No” to every suggestion I made, but eventually enjoyed all of it. It was then a big fat “No” when it was time to end said activities. I was told tonight by some close friends with an older child that this is indeed the hardest part and it will pass. So I guess the moral of this story is that eventually it will all pass, and then you’re left with the memories. So the best we can do as any parents is to try and make those memories good.

This was the failed attempt at a snowman. More like snow-sand.
This was the failed attempt at a snowman. More like snow-sand.
Yes, he's playing with an empty garbage can. He was grunting and heaving like a strong man to get it up. Too funny.
Yes, he’s playing with an empty garbage can. He was grunting and heaving like a strong man to get it up. Too funny.
Taking the can for a stroll.
Taking the can for a stroll.
Then we had to literally take it for a walk down the street.
Then we had to literally take it for a walk down the street.
He OWNS the library, and he loved this train book. Wouldn't put it down.
He OWNS the library, and he loved this train book. Wouldn’t put it down.

This post featured on Party Wave Wedndesday

Welcome to Waking Up Happy

Photo by Ashley Romero

It’s a new year and time for a make over, blog included! Waking Up Happy is a continuation of the blogging that I’ve been doing at my former blog the Tender Life. Over the past two years I’ve seen the joy that writing has given to me and my family. I would be remiss if I didn’t incorporate other very important parts of my life into the blog-o-sphere.

If you notice, the web address is now Please make sure you update your RSS feed and bookmark this page so you can come back everyday. I’ve also set up a Facebook page under the same name, so if you like what you see, go over there and LIKE it. This site is still a work in progress, so the look will change until I finally settle on the right one. Please bare with me.

Why the name? Well, I decided on the name Waking Up Happy as I was going over past entries in my gratitude journal from 2012. One of the things I was grateful for was, “Porter waking up happy from naps.” Who doesn’t love a well rested happy baby? It also sounds good rolling off the tongue, and as a tired mom (night owl with a toddler who wakes early) it’s a pleasant reminder to go to bed earlier so I too can wake up happy.

As always, I welcome feedback from everyone. I’m hoping this new format will be easier than the last for facilitating conversations. Bring your ideas, questions, anecdotes and stories to share. I want to hear them all! And thank you, thank you, thank you for following along on this journey of Waking Up Happy.

New Year’s Eve


A spectacular year.

Watched my child grow out of babyhood.

Kept nursing.

Love my husband, still.

Continued to grow and become more of my authentic self.

So blessed.

So powerful.

So loved.

So grateful.

So thankful.

So excited for the future.

So content with the past.

So giddy for the present.

Love abounds.



Last Tender Life Post & Top 6 Posts of 2012

Snow Kitty

Whoo, whoo.

What?! Last post? Yes, you read that correctly. But don’t fret, it only means that better things are to come. Starting tomorrow I will be blogging from my BRAND NEW BLOG! I’ll have a redirecting link tomorrow and it’ll be easier to remember, fo’ sho’.

You see, I started Tender Life a few months before I had Porter with the hopes of keeping up with family and friends once the wee babe came along. And this blog has done that really well. What I didn’t anticipate was how much I would enjoy blogging, which turns out to be a lot. I want to bring my blogging to the next level and open it up to a larger audience, because I have so much more to share.

Don’t worry, it will still include all the wonderful updates and pictures of my sweet family and all my previously written posts. The new blog will have more content about my own personal interests, be easier to use, and hopefully easier to leave comments on. After all, blogging is a form of social media, and if Blogger is going to make it difficult for you to leave comments then it’s not very social at all. New year, new blog. Rest assured, Porter will still be very much a part of it all. He is after all much of the inspiration.

For the final real post of Tender Life and of 2012 I want to share the top 6 posts of the last year, in case you missed out. I hope your 2012 was lovely and wonderful and everything you hoped!

Top 6 Posts of 2012!

Africa: Rock the Casbah
Real Food Just Got More Real
Spain: Rhonda
Spain: Marbella Sick Day
Bucket List #13 Epiphony


Bucket List #6

Photo & Quote #25 Snowman

What do you know? I’m even ticklish. In fact, I’m all livin’! 
I am alive! What a neat thing to happen to a nice guy like me.
~Frosty The Snowman

Porter’s first snowman!! Aptly named, Frosty.


For the last month, Porter has had a minor obsession with snowmen. We finally got enough snow and energy to build a small one in our front yard. He’s oddly shaped because the snow here is really dry and doesn’t stick very well. We ended up making 3 small mounds and letting them “gel” for a little bit and then stacking them. It worked like a charm!

4pm Sky

Got snow spin?

Nobody can see you Olive.

We made our snowman double sided so we can see him from inside the house too.

Science kitty! Using a magnifying glass with lights.

Photo & Quote #24 Family

As the family goes, so goes the nation
and so goes the whole world in which we live.
~Pope John Paul II

If every person in the world had a family like Porter’s,
it would be a very very happy place to live.

I believe the exact quote for this pictures is, “Go mama!”

Photo & Quote #23 Travelling Home

There’s no place like home.
There’s no place like home.
There’s no place like home.
~Wizard of Oz

This is actually a photo from a couple weeks ago, but a bird eating cake is pretty cool.


Also from a few weeks ago.

Tonight, however, we traveled home from our holiday visit to California. What’s been lacking from these posts is that Porter’s been REALLY sick for the entire last week. It started with fever and culminated with a horrible head cold and cough. 
Normally it’s no big deal, but being away from home and massive altitude changes in an airplane caused him serious head pain today. Compounded with a late flight…made for a very long day week. Thankfully we made it home and he’s sleeping tight in his own bed tonight. 
It was a wild and wonderful adventure to visit all the grandparents. We love them all and can’t get nearly enough of them. For those of you who have Grandparents who live nearby, give them hugs and tell them you love them. Life with children is always easier when OUR parents are around.