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It’s A Love Thing

Happy Valentine’s Day
As a teacher I wasn’t into Valentine’s Day. So many cheap Valentine’s that didn’t really mean anything, handed out between little kids. Eh, whatever. This year, though, is different. There is so much love in my heart that I’m actually glad there’s a day to relish in it. 
For the last couple months I’ve felt so happy and loved and content with life that I’m bursting at the seams with gooey love mush. I’m always on the verge of crying over the most tender moments, which of course my days are now filled with. Shoot, I’m even gushy towards the new post man who is so much nicer than the last one. 
Last week I had an off day, and even that wasn’t so bad. That’s right, cleaning baby poop (which was more like a man poop) off the floor wasn’t exactly magical, but my head was in the right place to at least find it comical. I’ve also started writing down a tender moment from each day before I go to bed and I think that helps keep everything in perspective as well. It doesn’t hurt that Luke surprised us today by coming home for lunch with flowers and sushi in hand. He’s a good one! I know that there are cynics who hate this day, and I totally understand. I’ve got enough love for everyone these days and I’m happy to share. All my love to you readers on this glorious day!
I’ve been experimenting with my new camera, which has a pin hole setting. I went a little crazy on our walk the other day, but I was trying to capture the dramatic essence of the day. Needless to say, I was in love that day too.

My two valentines.

First Zoo Day

Thanks to friends and family, for Porter’s birthday we were able to gather enough funds to get an annual family membership to Zoo Boise. Today we finally got the passes and took a tour of the zoo. It was a sunny day and since it’s mid-winter there were only a few other families there. We had a good time and are excited to go back again and again.

Looking at the giraffes.
So this is what real giraffe animal print looks like.
Big one and little one.

This was his face when he first saw the lions.

Lioness. Just a big kitty, right?

Penguin Flyby

The saddest animals at the zoo, according to Luke.
He liked it!

 We’ve also been going for daily bike rides with the iBert bike seat. Porter loves it and loves getting to sit up front where all the action is and I find there’s plenty of space to ride comfortably. It’s also great having him on the front because it keeps the bike more steady than if he were on the back. He’s also able to turn around and give me kisses, which is tender too. We are having so much fun these days. I love that he’s getting older and we’re able to be more active. Love my life!

2012 Challenges: February-Sleep More

The January challenge of buying less is finally over, phew! It was really, REALLY hard. Much harder than I thought. I did end up purchasing a couple of items: 2012 calendar, snow boots and beanie. I also spent more on groceries, but I attribute that to all the Sunset/Real Simple Magazine recipes that I tried out. In most cases, I was pretty successful considering my list of items I want and some of them I even need.

Much like a diet gone wrong, I’ve been on a bit of a shopping bender for the last 24 hours. Porter’s made out pretty well, and so has my friend Suzy’s unborn baby girl. I currently have a lot more gratitude for the ability to simply go out and get pretty much whatever we need and much of what we want. I never claimed to be perfect, but I will gladly call myself a work in progress.

Through the month I learned to really think before I purchase anything and I’m going to try to make a regular challenge through the year to not buy anything. There is also less of a burden, somehow, but I’m not sure in what way. Maybe it was the lack of Amazon boxes that needed breaking down and recycling, or the knowledge that we actually saved a boatload of money. Yeah, that’s probably it. Here’s to continuing to make conscious purchases from here on out. For those of you who are into blogs, I found solace through January by reading The Zero Waste Home blog. Check it out.

Now for February’s challenge, sleep more. As you know I have a child who has dramatically altered my sleeping habits. As in, what’s a weekend? Sleeping in? How does 6-7am sound, everyday? I’ve also blogged about my serious lack of sleep, and therefore sleep training, here. My goal then, is to get to bed by 11pm every single night of the month, weekends included. Luke and I are night owls, so 11pm seems like a decent hour for us. Porter is getting better at sleeping through the night, and if we get lights out by 11pm I have the potential of getting 8 hours of sleep. I know mommy friends, it’s almost too good to believe.

In the last 3 days I’ve already met that goal with better organization and routines through our day. I’ll let you know how it ends up in March. I’m also making a list of other 30 day challenges and am a few short to fill up the year, so if you have any good ideas leave them in the comments or drop me a line on Facebook.

I mentioned that I’m working towards getting a routine down during the week with Porter. He’s currently transitioning from 2 naps a day to one nap a day, which frees up more time in the morning for fun. So far we’ve gotten into story time at the Boise Library! called Bloomin’ Babies, we are going this weekend to pick up our zoo passes, afternoon bike rides with our awesome iBert bike seat (pictures to come) and, thanks to the local mall, Porter and I are now mall walkers. He pushes his stroller around and then we go play at the sweet indoor play area that has padded climbing toys and floors and doesn’t allow shoes. I’m hoping all this fun stuff will make him nice and sleepy at night time so when 11pm rolls around I can get a full night sleep too.

He has mastered climbing up and down stairs, and figured out how to slide down the slide.
Who knew I’d be so thankful for a mall? 
Ironic since my last (and continuing) challenge was to buy less.

Walking About

Last weekend we took our first winter hike, snowshoeing, up past Idaho city with our friends and family. It was great fun, beautiful, scenic, freezing cold and Porter hated every second of the actual hike. His screaming didn’t bother me because the crunching of the snow beneath my shoes and beauty of the forest was lovely. I don’t think Luke got to enjoy it quite as much though.

I wanted to get a picture of Porter in a tizzy, but turning around to snap photos is pretty difficult on a narrow trail in snowshoes. I will say that we enjoyed our nice comfy car picnic with Lucy, while Chelsea and Shaun tried out their new cross country skis, and Anna and Micah trekked into the deep woods and back.

We finished the day with lunch at Trudy’s Restaurant in Idaho City. Even though it wasn’t the snowshoeing adventure we had planned, it was still a grand time had by all. We plan on trying it again, maybe closer to home and later in the day when it’s a little warmer. We will conquer the winters here in Idaho with some sort of outdoor activity, I just know it!

At the beginning of our short hike. Luckily it’s easy to walk with the baby backpack and snowshoes.

Lucy got pulled in the Kinder Sled. She wasn’t a big fan, but I could definitely be into it.

Trail packed by cross country skiers and snow shoers. I love the forest in winter. 

Everything was fine and dandy when we returned to the car and had a picnic.

Getting some QT with auntie Anna and Quila.

Micah, Anna and Porter

Tuckered out.

Speaking of walking around. Today was like spring time here in Boise, so Porter and I spent the afternoon outside in the sun. First we took a stroller walk and then Porter got to walk around the block with the Radio Flier. I loved every moment: the sun, warmth, smiley neighbors, and especially the “big boys” across the street who came and showed Porter their toy airplanes. He was in heaven and it took 25 minutes to walk past that single house.

Sportin’ the sweet red Converse kicks from Lucy. They fit PERFECTLY and match the Radio Flier!

The kitties like to walk with us too.

Taking a break to let mommy get in on some Radio Flier action.

I love his stance in this picture.

You can’t see it, but under his right hand is a pebble that he insisted on carrying home with us. He wouldn’t let me put it in the wagon, he HAD to hold it in his hand. I’m so excited to see what comes home in his pockets when he gets older!

My most favorite part of this day (despite Porter’s multiple melt downs from a changing sleep schedule and teething) was when we shared an apple. It was the epitome of tenderness.

It’s A Picture Post

First big snow of the season!

I love how Misty is looking at Porter in this picture. She loves her boy.

Olive is trying to figure out how she’s going to climb the tree with all the snow,
Porter’s trying to figure out how he can climb out the window.

He’s a pointer.

And one of his sweet face, covered with food. Oh, the joys of learning to eat!

Birthday Bash!

Before I get to the photo montage of Porter’s first birthday party I want to share these tidbits with you. Porter’s hair was starting to get long in the back and my brother nailed it when he said he had a Benjamin Franklin do. That was all fine and dandy, until he gave himself an avocado and cheese pasta hair condition. Sadly, but appropriately, I called and scheduled his first hair cut and it went great. Even though they don’t typically do kids cuts, Jen Brown from Tanzanite Salon in Boise did a great job trimming up the back and over the ears.

Before shot. It doesn’t look that long, but when lunch is smeared
through it, it looks a lot longer.

Post haircut, still cute.

Porter has recently learned that Misty will play with any stringed
object he dangles in front of her. He is now kitty tamer.

She acts all sassy, but she loves the attention.

Porter as mountain climber. There’s a steep 1′ ledge that he climbs out onto
while only gripping the boxes for support. Something tells me this is just the beginning.

I also wanted to post these next two videos because they make Luke and I laugh every time. As I showed in a previous post, Luke’s mom taught Porter the champagne game at Christmas, and he has proudly brought it home and kept it alive with every swig of his water bottle.

On Saturday Porter had his first birthday party. Honestly, it was more for me and Luke to celebrate the fact that we survived the first year, but Porter had fun too. We invited a few of our close friends, mostly the crew from our Friday Night Feasts. We had cake and ice cream and Porter’s favorite part were the 11 mylar balloons that I got from the Dollar Store. It was a perfect first party, intimate, indoors and full of fun. Thanks to everyone who donated to his Zoo Boise fund, we raised enough to get a family pass for the whole year!

I’m also looking forward to his 6th birthday, which Lucy has requested be an outdoor party. Since his birthday is in January, I take this to mean we will be snow tubing up at Bogus Basin 5 years from now (granted there is snow, which we haven’t received yet this year, shoot.) That’ll be an awesome birthday party.

Party planning is hard work!

Porter’s smash cake and the grown up cake that Aunt Anna made.

Candied Orange Cake

“Busy Day Cake” with butter cream frosting and raspberries

Thanks to Olivia for the orginal art and awesome stacking blocks!

He’s an old pro at unwrapping gifts now.

Shaun, Ashley, Sarah and Oliva

He started picking off and eating the raspberries right away.

As for the frosting? Not a fan.

He finished off the raspberries and didn’t want anything to do with the frosting or cake.
So much for the smash cake idea. He did get the rest of the raspberries
in the package instead, which made him quite happy.

Porter was so happy to play with Olivia and Lucy. He wanted to be a big kid so bad.

Showing off his skills.

Lucy and Olivia, the big kids.


Then the sugar kicked in and Shaun became the target of a mass balloon beating.

More balloon action ensued.

Porter loves his Aunt Anna, LOVES her!

It was balloon heaven and Aunt Anna was all up in the mix.
Have I mentioned that he thinks she’s the bees knees? He does.

It’s just about nap time.

Unless you’re playing with an iPad.

Me and the birthday boy.

A Year Of Porter

 Today is the first snow of the year here in Boise, and I’m convinced that it’s confetti from the heavens for my little boy’s first birthday. It’s crazy to think that a year ago I popped out an 11 pound dough baby that has become the person I know now as my son Porter. It was surprising to me that it took a couple of weeks to develop a real relationship with the tiny person he was, but everyday my heart swells a little bit more with love for him.

The last year has been the happiest, most tiring, proud, worrisome, exciting, emotional, at times frustrating, fastest and most wonderful time of my life. Even a few months ago this day seemed really really far away. Next thing he’ll be going to college! Okay, maybe he’ll start walking first, but in hind sight it goes so fast.

He’s getting to a really fun age of exploring and experimenting with the world around him and I couldn’t be happier to share the future with anyone else. I truly believe that we were given the perfect baby for us and that we were destined to be a family together. I’ve never wanted something to continue growing and changing, but to also stay the same, as I feel about my baby. If the rest of our years together are as special as this last one then I’m surly the luckiest mom. Happy 1st birthday to my favorite baby in the whole wide world!

37 Weeks Pregnant- photo by Ashley Romero

Day 1
Day 2

Day 3 

Day 4 
One Week
Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Month 4

Month 5

Month 6

Month 7

Month 8

Month 9

Month 10

Month 10 with Olivia

Month 11

Month 12

One Year Old- January 10, 2012

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

2012 Challenges: January-Buy Less

Resolutions seem destined to fail, or more appropriate for politics. So this year I’ve decided to do challenges instead. I’ve been reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin and she set up different goals for herself on a monthly basis. I really like that idea. I figure that I can do anything for a month, and that’s long enough to see if it’s something that I want to implement in my life full time.

For January I decided to not purchase anything other than necessities. Not only did we spend a whooping amount on our new backyard, the furnace and the holidays, but I refuse to believe that I need more stuff simply because I have a bit of an Amazon/Zappos addiction (Amazon Prime makes it almost too easy!) Plus, we’re coming off the holidays where we received many thoughtful gifts, for which I’m still trying to find homes.

This means no thoughtless purchases for myself or Porter. Not even for bitty things like sponges or specialty soaps. I do plan on purchasing balloons for Porter’s first birthday party, and have to admit that I did buy a calendar. It was a thoughtless purchase, which is why a challenge like this seems important. Making thoughtless acquisitions leads to clutter and wasted money. I’ve become a master at thoughtless buying and I’m starting to feel like a consumer sheep, being bamboozled by shiny new trinkets.

For Porter’s birthday, since it falls a couple weeks after Christmas, I’ve also decided that rather than gifts he should get experiences. He may not like this in the future, but until he can tell me otherwise, that’s how I’m going to play it. This year he’s getting a Zoo Boise membership (okay I’m getting it, but he’s free with an adult.)

I’m excited about this challenge and curious to see what our bank account will look like after the month is over. It’s also exciting to not be contributing overtly to the “consumer culture” that I believe has gotten out of control over the last couple decades. Even though many folks are shouting BUY BUY BUY, and saying that it will save the economy, it just doesn’t seem like that’s the only way to make change. The Center For A New American Dream website is interesting and has some good ideas on the subject. While they’ve associated with the whole Occupy Movement, I believe their ideas are greater and bigger than just the 99%. Their video about a Plentitude Economy is very intriguing to me, here it is so you can be in the loop too. What do you think?

Did you make any resolutions for the new year? What do you do to save money or cut back on stuff? I’ll let you know how this challenge turns out at the end of the month, and by then I’ll have February’s challenge ready to go. It’s belated now, but

Happy 2012!

His favorite place to play is next to front door. It’s seriously freezing there, but whatever.

Guaranteed best pictures…the moment he realizes he has a bowl full of raspberries.

He was thrilled to stick them in his mouth 2-3 at time. Good thing they’re mushy.


Despite the cool winter weather, mittens are no good.
His newest use for teeth is pulling the mittens off as quickly as possible.

One mitten.

Two mittens!

So excited to be walking next to mom, not in front of her in the stroller.