I realize that I am at least 8 days overdue for my October Challenge post, and I have a very good reason. You see, my child is advanced! I’m not just a proud bragging parent, it’s true. He’s 21 months, and 3 months ahead of schedule he’s hit the Terrible Two’s. Oh what fun and joy has been flowing from our home for the last few weeks.
Yes folks, that’s sarcasm. It’s clear that our little family is being emotionally tested and the first thing to go was the blog. Le sigh. Today, however, I think we woke up on the right side of the bed for the first time in weeks as tantrums were at a minimum. I actually smiled and laughed and I didn’t want to spend my day wallowing in bed staring at my orange walls. This is progress!
I also made a decision about the October Challenge, and that is…I’m not doing one. The rest of this month, starting next week, is going to make for some REALLY AWESOME posts. So stay tuned. November, I’ll be back on track with a new challenge. I promise.
Onto some midwifery news. Did you know that this week is National Midwifery Week?! How cool is that? I, as you can imagine, am super stoked. The American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM) has set up a “Daily Action Plan” for everyday this week to help spread the word about how awesome midwives are, what they really do, and to help empower women to take back their health care. Can I get an AMEN!
Everyday this week I will post my responses to their Daily Action Plan and share it with you. I encourage you to go and participate in this very cool and forward thinking event. You don’t have to agree with all my ideas about midwifery either. This is something everyone can get behind. Check it out, for reals.
Monday’s Action Plan is to take the Health Promise Pledge to become an informed health care consumer. That’s right, consumer. Did you know that when we use health care, weather it’s the ER, a well women visit, or a dental exam that we are buying services? Same as any other service, like paying a housekeeper, child’s preschool, or hair stylist. We have choices and that’s great. Did you know that a Midwife can cover ALL of your well women care from birth control, PAP smears, pregnancy/birth, and beyond menopause? If you’re a lady, and you need your lady parts looked at or consulted, you don’t have to go to a doctor. Midwives do that stuff too! This may be TMI, but I currently go to Treasure Valley Midwives for any well woman needs, and I’m not even pregnant. I tell you this because I want you to know that if you feel a little crazy doing this, then at least we can be crazy together. Crazy about personalized, wholistic well woman care, completely backed with the bells and whistles of science. I’m telling you, it doesn’t get better than this.
Back to National Midwifery Week. Here are the items I pledged to do as stated on their website:

Take charge of knowing what your options are—it’s your body and your health. Make a promise to yourself today to be the most informed health care consumer you can be. You deserve it!
I promise to take control of my own health. I will make decisions for myself based on facts and the type of care that means the most to me in maintaining my health.
I promise to better understand the choices I have in managing my health care. I will learn more about my personal health preferences and explore the care options available that can best meet my health needs.
I promise to be an active decision maker in my care. Medical procedures performed on my body without my knowledge or understanding are not acceptable.
I promise to put my health first. I will educate myself on ways to improve or maintain my high standard of health and talk to my care provider about how they can help me meet these goals.
I promise to improve my health care experience. I will become informed about different health care providers and approaches to care and use this information to improve my own experience as a health care consumer.
I promise to encourage others to take charge of their health. I am a force for change and will inspire my friends and family to better their own health through awareness and action. (I got this one!)
And now for what I know you really came for.
Feeding Honu with an old baby bottle. |
Another reason last week sucked, big toe met a can of pineapple. It was neither tasty nor pretty. |
We did get in a couple fun park days. At Fairview Park, if you time it just right, you can watch the garbage truck go to every house on all four sides of the park. |
I will admit that we had a sick day that involved pajamas and Dancing With the Stars. I am human, despite my aspirations of super women. |
Everything looks better through the snotty, drippy, drooly haze of a head cold right? Throw in some 2 year molars and you can call me Willy Wonka! |
Fall has arrived. Thankfully, mother nature is right on with her primary colors. |
Porter has never had a blankie or binky, but lately he’s had THIS plane. Knowing where this plane is at all times makes a day much nicer for everyone. |
Popcorn is always good. |
I bought a bike trailer. Can’t say that Porter is super stoked on it, but I’m hoping he grows to love it. I can’t blame him after riding regularly in the iBert. |
This gem of a tricycle/push bike is brought to us by Radio Flyer, Grandpa and Tutu. |
Foreshadowing. Yes, there will be churros for breakfast! |