Category Archives: baby and me

Support Groups Are For Winners!

Every Tuesday Porter and I go to the Baby and Me Group at the local medical center. It’s a place for moms and babies to get together and talk about what they’re experiencing and it’s totally free. I highly recommend it for any new moms. There is usually a topic, today’s was about introducing solid foods. The topics vary in range, and are really helpful. I find it most helpful to be around other moms who are in the same place as I am and to hear from moms with older babies about what we can look forward to. For instance, I was happy to hear from another mom that her son had the same sore leg reaction to his vaccinations as Porter. It’s also great because where else would I find such a big group of mommies who don’t think I’m too head over heels for my baby. Porter loves the group and loves talking to all the other babies, and yes, he’s talking with them. He’s a chatterbox. Hmmm….I wonder where he gets that?? Today Porter got to make a new friend, and so did I. Her mom and I are going to join a Meet Up group for first time moms that goes on hikes around the Boise area. Yay for networking mommas!

Porter shares his favorite dice with his new friend

Babies holding hands = tender!