Well, back to reality. Turns out I really like being on vacation and spending days with Porter. That makes for some seriously bad blogging. It’s okay though, I’m sure my game face will soon return. Hopefully it’ll bring along some greenery for the trees around here.
I did great on my vacation, not gaining. This last week was dreadful, however. I suffered from a few days of depression upon my return. I miss my family, I miss the tropics, Aunt Flo came to visit and it took 2 travel days to get home. I gave in and invited Ben & Jerry over for dessert, le sigh. I’m over the hump now and things are looking up. I went to dance, my friends are all inspirations for continuing on my weight loss journey, the sun was legitimately warm today, I’m getting along fantastically with my kid, and I’m happy to say I’m back on the wagon.
Alright, I did my “new” measurements and compared them to the last measurements in Weigh In #9 (before my trip) and I’ve lost 0.5″. I’m calling that a success since I’ve been barely watching my diet.
I’ve been eating lots of salads still and avoiding rice and most breads, but I’ll tell you mochi ice cream balls and Lappert’s Kauaii Pie ice cream is too delicious to deny. I had planned to lose weight at the same pace as I had been at home, but obviously I’m in an island state of mind. This looks like many macadamia nuts, and more than 1 tortilla chip (but the guacamole was SO good) too. Now I have an even better reason to get back to hardcore when I get home.
I did give up my daily cappuccino for the duration of my trip and I’ve been really good about that. Porter’s also eaten an abnormal amount of french fries on this trip, so I’m sure his little digestive system will be happy to get back on track too. Now for some pictures!
Since last Wednesday, my son and I successfully made the long journey from Boise to Maui. It took a couple days and a gnarly jet lack induced headache, but we made it and have been basking by the beach and taking in the good vibrations. It’s my plan to continue eating in the same fashion as I have been and to do a daily yoga home practice as my exercise. I’ve also gone off the cappuccinos for the duration of our visit.
Days Off
I did take a few days off, since I was packing and travelling and honestly didn’t want to think too hard about my diet. Thankfully the airplane food was awful and the free Mai Tai gave me the crazyiest rash and my “asian flush” got so bad that it’ll be nice and easy to avoid any tropical cocktails. I’m also slightly obsessed with the Justin’s Nut Butter packs, and have been enjoying them daily. It could be worse.
About The Actual Weigh In
The clencher is that there is no scale here in the condo. I seriously considered going to the drug store and weighing myself there, but then decided that since I’ve got a slight addiction to my scale at home that I would not weigh myself for the duration of my trip. Instead I’ll focus on my measurements. I will admit that even though I mentioned I wanted to put my scale away at home, it didn’t happen. What I’ve noticed in the last few days of not checking my weight multiple times a day has drastically improved my mood. Lesson learned.
#10 3/6/13
Last Week
This Week
Weight (lbs)
Left Leg (in)
Hip (in)
Waist (in)
Chest (in)
Left Arm (in)
Neck (in)
TOTALS: ? Pounds & 20 Inches
And Now For Some MAUI!
Porter LOVES the beach. It’s the biggest sandbox a kid could ask for. We’ve been going to a great beach nearby that has a perfectly situated reef for making shallow pools, soft sand for digging, trees for shade, is across from burritos and salad bar with the added bonus of a playground. It’s safe to say that Porter would be happy to live there all year round. We got to go and see a kids performance of hula, and it was incredibly good. I think if we go every week that by the 3rd week Porter will actually get up and dance. Then there is the lovely island flora. I included a picture of my standard breakfast here, because it’s really good: eggs, hot sauce, guacamole and macadamia nuts. Porter’s been enjoying kefir smoothies everyday. Tutu and Pop pop are absolute heros and who knew it was possible to love them more? Porter did, actually, and I love each and every one for that. Aloha!
Another Wednesday, another weigh in! After the cake incident I had two really off days. There was a lot of leftover ice cream in the fridge and I managed to get two giant bowls in (one on Thursday, one on Friday) before I properly disposed of the contraband. I really tried to pay attention to how I felt those 3 days on my sugar bender and the first thing to go was my patience. Any residual injuries (from sports) came back and my yoga practice was more difficult than usual. I also felt really tired despite getting normal amounts of sleep. Thankfully I was able to reset on Saturday with Luke’s help and our mini-hike with Porter at the park.
We ascended Camel’s Back hill (in the background) as Porter’s first solo hike.
I had a great clothes moment this week. I’m starting to pack for our trip to Maui and pulled out my summer clothes from hibernation. In my haul there are a few pairs of shorts. I went for my standard shorts and buttoned them up and, behold, they were big enough to roll down the top. They’re a size 22. There’s another pair, size 18, that are more fashionable and I thought I’d give those a try. I pulled them on and buttoned them up. Just that easy! They were snug, (no camel toe thankyouverymuch) but fit well enough for me to decide on them for my trip. Giddy is the correct word for what I felt. Since I plan on maintaining my diet/exercise on vacation I don’t plan on ever going back to the bigger pants. So I’m thinking of taking the larger sized shorts and giving them to the thrift store. What do you think?
A Pain In My Foot
As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I love to dance. The endorphins, music, sweat and comradery are all addictive. My entire reason for joining the gym was to take dance (with the added bonus of great yoga classes). Needless to say, dance brings me so much joy. It also brings me pain.
A few years ago I was diagnosed with plantar fasciitis in my feet. It’s nothing crazy and it certainly doesn’t stop me from gettin’ my grove on, but after a few months of weekly dancing it’s getting pretty bad and makes walking uncomfortable. Since I’ll be out-of-town for 3 weeks I don’t plan on doing any high impact workouts in hopes that it’ll calm down.
I’ve done some research about stretches that can help and want to get into a daily routine of doing those. I’m also considering getting barefoot sport shoes of some kind. They’re supposed to help strengthen feet by allowing them to be used in a physiologically appropriate way. Once healed a little bit I think my feet should be strong too. Do any of you use barefoot shoes? What do you think?
Big Goals, Little Goals
In the end, my big goal is to lose 100 pounds. In order to get there I’ve naturally come upon some smaller weight loss goals to get there. I’m within 10 pounds of my first goal and that is getting to my pre-baby weight of 234. My second goal is to get below 192, the lowest I remember being since I’ve started weighing myself (that started when I was about 27). Obviously I’ve weighed less when I was younger, but ignorance was bliss. My last goal is my final destination of 154. I’m hoping to reach my first goal by the time I return home from Maui at the end of March.
Ahh, another week has past and here we are again. This last week was full of events and hurdles to eating right and exercising, but I’m happy to report it went pretty well.
My mother in law came to visit and that reset the Porter-Mama switch and we’re all getting along better. A little time apart and we can remember how much we love each other and how much good sleep will do us all.
My beloved turned 33 this week and we celebrated by going to the trampoline joint and getting our jump on. That’s a calorie burner for sure. For dinner I made macaroni and cheese and we finished with chocolate cake.
That’s right, homemade (thanks Anna!) chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. It was light and fluffy and, if you didn’t know, my absolute favorite kind of cake in the world. You better believe I had a piece. I split a piece with my friend and had a dollop of ice cream. My dinner had been a nice salad with a side of gumbo. After my meal I felt nice and balanced and treated.
The Attack
Not as innocent as it looks.
Then everyone left and the cake remained behind. You know where this is going. For about 30 minutes I avoided it. But then, like a beast, another slice jumped off the cake stand and into a bowl. It pushed me down in the chair and FORCED me to consume a second full slice of cake. I resisted, turned my head, sealed my lips.
But to no avail…it found its way down my gullet and into my belly. It only took a few moments before my jaw got tight and my tummy began to get queezy and achey. Boo. Turns out too much chocolate is (still) no bueno.
Lesson Learned? I hope so.
Not only did have to fight the guilt I now felt, but I felt sick too. I think the first time I learned this lesson I was probably 5. It’s a mistake I’ve made countless times through my life. When will I learn??
Alas, I’m moving forward today without guilt and having learned that lesson, again. This morning I threatened to throw the rest of the cake away, and Luke gladly took it to work to share. All in all this week was actually a success and I made such healthy choices otherwise. That’s what I’m going to focus on.
Danny said he wasn’t going to jump. Clearly he only came to flip!We had a great time and Porter got his fill of non-real food. He could have licked off the icing from every cupcake and got his fill of cheese pizza. The whole thing got a thumbs up.
Lucky for the world, this post is being written today, and not last night. I was in no sort of good mood last night, or the few nights before either. Since Christmas Porter’s been battling any number of ailments, which obviously hasn’t stopped me from pursuing my health goals. Starting last Friday he was finally taken down by the beast that has been making its way around Boise for the last few weeks. Normally it ain’t no thing, but this was my last straw. As a parent human, something had to give. For me it was exercise, then sleep, then the strict eating habits. This all makes mama a very sad, and really grumpy, lady. Thankfully, health appears to be on its way to being restored and I got to go to dance last night and yoga this morning.
I haven’t strayed from my real food mantra, but I gave into the cereal, graham crackers and pasta that Porter refused to eat. There’s also an admission that I have to make, and it’s been in the works for a few weeks. In my bathroom there is a scale, duh, and I am developing an unhealthy relationship with it. Every time I find my self in the bathroom, I step on the scale. Somedays I weigh the same, at other times I gain and lose pounds at a time. Seeing the fluctuation, while I know is normal, wreaks havoc on my outlook. It’s time to put the scale away and only bring it out on Wednesday mornings. Breaking up is hard to do.
In order to get back on track I need a goal. Next month Porter and I are taking an extended trip to Maui with my parents. I know, now you feel really terrible for me. My goal is to be at or below 240 by the time I leave for that trip at the beginning of March. It’s a perfectly good amount and I know I’m capable of doing it. While on that trip I fully intend to continue my weight loss plan and only hope I don’t overdo it on macadamia nuts (something I’ve already done in the last month).
This Weeks Numbers
Week 6, Feb. 6
Last Week
This Week
Weight (lbs)
Left Leg (in.)
Hips (in.)
Waist (in.)
Chest (in.)
Left Arm (in.)
Neck (in.)
Totals: 13.5 pounds lost, 14.5″ lost
You can read my initial post about my New Year’s Resolution here.
I want to start this weeks post by saying thank you. Thank you to everyone who’s following and supporting me on this journey. The responses I’ve gotten from friends, family and acquaintances have been glorious. There is no question in my mind that starting this challenge as my New Year’s Resolution was the right thing to do. So, thank you all and keep reading and sharing this with everyone you know.
Lessons Learned
January officially ended the first month of the challenge in great standings. My goal is to continue to do the same for the next 11 months and I think I’ve hit a sustainable stride. It helps to acknowledge that there have been, and will continue to be, ups and downs. That is a major lesson I learned from the last month. Ebbing and flowing is in my nature and to try and fight that would be silly. I’ve seen myself fall and get back up enough in the last month to know I can start fresh everyday. If that doesn’t work then it helps to maintain until weigh-in days and move forward from there.
Move That Body
Exercising has been so much fun. I decided I’m not going to do anything I don’t like or feel like doing and the pattern I’m in seems good. Vinyasa yoga 2x per week, tai chi/Pilates/yoga 1x per week, dance 1x per week and strength training 1x per week. Group classes are working well for me and I’ll continue those for the forseeable future. The vinyasa yoga class I’ve been attending is one of the best yoga classes I’ve ever taken and that’s going to get a whole post in the near future too.
Real Food
On the way home from yoga today I offered Porter his choice of snacks and he turned down the apple/blueberry combo I prepared, so I ate it. The difference in eating this simple snack, from before I started eating right, is that I would have eaten it (or let it go to waste, that’s not frugal!) without thinking. Before, I wouldn’t have considered the flavor or nutrition in those cut up bites, mindless eating as it were. As I was munching I became aware of the sweetness and crunch of the apples and the tender tartness of the berries. I really enjoyed the snack and felt nourished by it. Surely, my cleaner diet has improved my senses and made me appreciate such a treat as this.
This is me jumping across the finish line of my first Olympic Distance triathlon, The Spudman. Obviously it’s a motivator for me.
This week I suffered from a near lethal combination of PMS and this particular loaf of banana bread. I usually mark my weigh-in calendar with basic eating patterns: star = good day, circle = splurge day, spiral = bender (aka sushi night). This week when I saw that 4 days past the last weigh-in I’d been circling, as opposed to starring, I decided to just let go for the week.
The banana bread and accompanying brevés were delicious and I enjoyed every bite of the half loaf I managed to consume over the week. At least it took me the better portion of the week to eat it. It could have been the better part of an hour if I wasn’t practicing some restraint.
Since I had decided that my hormones were going to get the best of me this week, the new goal became maintenance. Or more to the point…avoiding the frozen dessert section at the grocery store. It’s been awhile and my good friends Ben & Jerry were dying for a visit with a spoon and my belly. Thankfully, I avoided them like the plague and survived this crucial week intact.
Last night I went to Body Jam (dance) and physically reset my mind and body for this next week. It worked and today’s been much easier. Although, I’ve had to power my way past the graham crackers I make for Porter, because they’re really freakin’ good. I’ve been reading my original post about why I’m doing this whole weight loss thing to help keep me focused. I also made some apple chips yesterday and they are a great alternative snack, sweet and crunchy. In the end I feel good about not going on any serious sugar benders. I still haven’t consumed any refined sugar or refined food products since the start of the year and I feel great about that.
Last night at dance I stood in front of the tiny portion of mirror that is in the room. I usually stay away from it because a few months ago I made the mistake of watching myself in the mirror and it gave me the sads (as Chelsea says). Last night I didn’t plan on dancing in front of the mirror, but after an hour of watching myself move I could see the changes happening in my body and that made me so happy.
When I’ve lost weight in the past, I’ve never really paid attention to how I was feeling internally, and this time is different. Acknowledging success in all it’s forms has helped get me through this first month, for sure. Here are this weeks numbers:
Week 5, Jan. 30
Last Week
This Week
Weight (lbs)
Left Leg (in.)
Hips (in.)
Waist (in.)
Chest (in.)
Left Arm (in.)
Neck (in.)
Total loses since January 1st: 12 pounds and 12.5 inches
Birthing From Within, Dancing For Birth, and Inclusive Women's Circles for Women and Families in Boise and the Treasure Valley